by Ginny Dent Brant
On Wednesday, Nov. 7th, I received some devastating news–Lady Liberty, the mother who raised me from birth and gave me the freedom to be what I am today, was declared terminally ill. Oh, I knew moral decay was spreading throughout her borders like cancer, but many of us were fighting with every breath to save and heal her. Half of the country is in mourning and unbelievably, half is celebrating–leaving a nation divided.
Those who fought bravely to save her included many patriots over the years, 500 retired generals and admirals, many pastors across this country, and many of the faithful who fasted and prayed. Many Christian leaders of our day warned us about the seriousness of her affliction such as Billy and Franklin Graham, John Hagee, Mike Huckabee, Don Wilton, Ed Young, Sr., Chuck Colson, Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, etc., yet many did not heed their warnings. I’m encouraged by the number of pastors who preached on the Biblical issues at stake and held prayer vigils. We can say, “We did what we could.”
The Cause of Her Imminent Death
Yes, hard to believe, a majority of Americans (60 million) voted for a platform that stood against traditional marriage, the sanctity of life, freedom, Israel, and taming our looming deficit. In addition, three states approved gay marriage (now making a total of nine), and two states approved the legalization of recreational marijuana.
It’s unprecedented that a President who’s increased the unemployment rate, escalated the deficit, weakened the military and our presence in the world, and who’s openly stood against the foundation of this country, could stand against the experience and character of a man known for saving failing corporations, Mitt Romney. Francis Schaeffer once said, “The media controls the culture.” In a day when PEW research reports that 80% of our journalists are self-professed liberals, we now have a biased media determining the outcome of elections. And now, Barack Obama is reelected with no future election or reliable media to hold him accountable to the people. For a Lady who was birthed in Biblical principles, this was the straw that delivered the final blow to her weakened defense system.