This Generation’s “It’s a Wonderful Life”
At a time when the value of human life is sliding down the proverbial slippery slope, one British filmmaker, Peter Mackenzie, is reminding people of the value of each life in a new movie called Doonby. This movie has garnered praise and support from the Vatican, and Catholic and Christian leaders worldwide. Doonby also presents the acting debut of Norma McCorvey (alias Jane Roe in Roe vs. Wade) of the Supreme Court Decision legalizing abortion. McCorvey’s character portrays a very different perspective from her earlier days. Now at this time in our nation’s history, Doonby is making its way to our nation’s capital in two screenings where its voice will be heard.
Two Groups in DC
This week, January 20 – 25, two groups of people will converge upon our nation’s capitol asserting their freedom of speech. One group, an estimated 600,000, will celebrate the second inauguration of Barack Obama, the most radical proponent of abortion as a president since Roe vs. Wade. He shed tears over the loss of 20 children and 6 adults after the Newtown tragedy, yet he appears to show no concern for the 3000 lives aborted each day in this country.