As things begin to open up in phases according to the risk of COVID-19 in each state, there are precautions we must take to prevent further infection rates. Yes, there are things we can do to increase our chances of not contracting this virus or flu and lessen its symptoms if we do catch it. Our immune system is front and center in preventing all diseases. As we emerge from this quarantine, the following are wise precautions to put in place:
- Continue to practice personal hygiene and social distancing. Wash your hands often, keep to small groups, isolate the vulnerable, and wear a face covering when traveling on public transportation or in public places. Avoid mass gathering and large crowds. And watch what you touch that others have touched. Using a glove when pumping gas may still be wise. I plan to still use gloves in grocery and other stores.
- Stay properly hydrated. I can’t emphasize this enough! Every cell and every organ system in your body including your immune and lymphatic system needs enough water to work properly. The mucus (99 % water) in your lungs that provides a crucial barrier against infections is empowered by water. Half your body weight in fluid ounces daily is your minimal goal. Most Americans are dehydrated!
- Keep moving. Your body works best when you move during the day. Your B and T cells which are a key part of your immune system go up and movement helps your lymphatic system to take out the trash in your body. The sedentary lifestyle contributes to disease. Even during a quarantine, my husband and I walked several miles per day in addition to our exercise routines. And after the quarantine, movement should continue to be a daily habit because it enhances every system in your body.
- Eat a nutrient diet filled with vegetables, fruits, lean protein and healthy fats. Quarantine is not the time to binge on comfort foods. We are what we eat. Our immune system can be strengthened through eating a more plant-based diet. Prebiotic fiber found in fruits and vegetables feed the gut bacteria and provide much needed nutrients. Highly processed foods, too much alcohol, lots of sugar, fried foods, and transfats only suppress our immune systems. Gluten, dairy and food allergies can also suppress the immune systems in some people.
- Nourish your gut. In addition to eating prebiotic fiber, we need to eat three probiotic foods each day. Seventy percent of our immune system is located in our gut. A healthy and thriving gut filled with good bacteria can many times take care of a virus that comes in through your mouth. Alton and I also take a probiotic supplement daily.
- Allow your body to heal and repair with adequate sleep at night. This miraculous healing, which occurs while we are in deep sleep, is free–so why not partake? Sleep and relaxation all support the immune system.
- Use recommended supplements to support your immune system. Many doctors are recommending vitamin D (2000 – 5000 IU), vitamin C (1000 mg two times per day), zinc (30 mg), a good multivitamin and mineral complex (that covers all daily recommendations), green tea extract (150 mg), quercetin (150 mg), and selenium (100 mcg).
- Pray that we would turn to God, repent and allow Him to heal our land. Look at 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 (We often forget the look at the verse before.):
When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
COVID-19 is still out there. The lockdowns were put in place only to flatten the curve so hospitals would not be overloaded. Practice safe distancing until the CDC tells us this virus is dead or a viable vaccine is available. Those who are vulnerable may still need to shelter in place. Recent info indicates this virus may lessen with exposure to heat, moisture and UV rays. I pray so. It may take a while before we reach Phase 3 of the reopening of states. States are opening up, but only because the way we do things must be changed.
Use common sense and build your own immune system so it is armed and ready for battle. God has gifted us with this miraculous system, but it works best when we do the right things! Continue to be safe and careful. There will always be flus and viruses circulating! We must take precautions as we emerge from this quarantine. Remember, God is always with us no matter the circumstances and He has gifted us with the most amazing immune system!
What are you doing to protect yourself as you emerge from your shelter in place?
For your health,