After my last post on 5 Amazing Benefits of Coconut Oil, people have been asking, “How do you use coconut oil on a daily basis?” Well, here it is. You’ll again be astonished at all the medicinal uses. My husband and I always have an ample supply, and we take it with us wherever we go.
Next week we’ll look at using this oil in our diet. And the following week, we’ll look at how it can benefit our skin. But today we’ll look at everyday medicinal uses.
Coconut oil has the following benefits:
Fights inflammation – Coconut oil even has pain relieving and fever reducing qualities, too.
Boosts Immunity – It contains lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which provide for strong antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that have an immune boosting effect.
Fights cancer – It’s medium chain fatty acids help to maintain a healthy immune system and can have an anti-tumor effect.
Protects brain health and is used as a treatment for some Alzheimer’s patients
Kills candida – Use one tablespoon per day.
Can balance cholesterol – The healthy fats lower LDL cholesterol while increasing the HDL levels. But check your cholesterol levels in the event you are one of the few people whose cholesterol goes up. According to the USDA, coconut oil has zero cholesterol.
Relieves constipation – Try one tablespoon daily to rebalance gut bacteria and keep things running smoothly.
Eases chemotherapy pain and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy
May lower high blood pressure – The medium chain fatty acids are actually beneficial to the heart.
Prevents osteoporosis – Coconut oil contains polyphenols and antioxidant properties. Use three tablespoons per day to reduce free radicals and oxidative stress that are related to osteoporosis.
Improves gum and dental heath – Take a tablespoon of coconut oil with a drop of oregano or clove and swish it around in your mouth for 10-15 minutes. Then spit the residue out in a trashcan. This is called oil-pulling.
Reduces swollen prostate – Coconut oil has been proven to reduce testosterone-induced benign prostate growth in rats.
Reduces ulcers – Coconut oil may be a effective as NSAID drugs.
Who knew this natural oil from the coconut tree could have so many medicinal benefits for our health? How do you use this gift of nature?
Next week, we’ll look at how we can use coconut oil in our diet.
For Your Health,