God has created our bodies with an amazing immune system, but it’s our responsibility to keep it healthy and working as He intended. There are nutrients that support a healthy immune system, foods that impair immune function, and many factors that interfere with our body’s immune response. Below are six ways of many ways to boost your God-given immune system.
Replace fear with faith. Fear impacts your immune system – it stimulates the release of cortisol, a corticosteroid that’s immunosuppressive and down regulates key inflammatory transcription factors, like NF-kB and AP-1. Plus it increases chemicals that suppress cytokines, which are chemicals involved in inflammation. Although fear is normal in times like these, we must not allow it to rule the day. Instead meditate on the promises in God’s Word. This world is not our home. Dwelling on eternity takes the sting out of fear.
Avoid sugar and flour. Flour gets turned into sugar very quickly. Sugar paralyzes macrophages, types of white blood cells responsible for engulfing microbial invaders and keeping them from causing you harm. Studies show that eating or drinking 100 grams of sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by 40 percent and the immune-suppressing effect of sugar can last up to 5 hours. According to Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling when your blood sugar goes above 120, your white blood cells’ ability to absorb and destroy viruses and bacteria is reduced by 75%. Many people are running around with sugar greater than this all day long.
Eat a nutrient-dense diet. God tells us in Genesis 1:29 (NIV), “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” As Americans we tend to eat very little (2-3) of these nutrient-dense gifts from God. Scientists can now tell us the chemical profile of these life-giving plants which were clearly designed by God to promote healing and health in our bodies. Research clearly shows that the more plants we eat, the better, because these gifts of nature contain antioxidants and phytochemicals. For example, blueberries contain chemicals that build the immune system, prevent heart disease, lower blood sugar, and prevent cancer.
Stay properly hydrated. I cannot emphasize this enough! Every cell and every system in our body including our immune system requires enough water to work properly. The mucus in our lungs provides a crucial barrier against infections and is empowered by water. Half your body weight in fluid ounces daily is your minimal goal. Unfortunately, most Americans are moving through life dehydrated.
Keep moving. Your body works best when we move during the day. In addition, our B and T cells, an integral part of our immune system, will increase. Movement also helps our lymphatic system take out the trash in our body. The sedentary lifestyle contributes to many diseases. Throughout our recent quarantine, my husband and I walked several miles per day in addition to our exercise routines. Following the quarantine, movement should continue to be a daily habit because it enhances every system in our body.
Allow your body to heal and repair with restorative sleep. While you are reading this article, your body is performing miracles to protect you from disease. When we are in deep sleep, the miracles of healing increase exponentially. Melatonin, a hormone created in deep sleep, is actually a major cancer fighter and immune builder. Your healing can be as close as your pillow—and it’s free. Adequate sleep and relaxation support immune function. If you are exposed unintentionally to someone with COVID-19 or any other virus and you engage in deep sleep on a regular basis, you’ll be less likely to fall prey to this disease.
There has never been a better time to implement lifestyle changes to boost your immune system. Our immune system is our first line of defense. It stands between us and any chronic disease, cancer or virus—even COVID-19. God has created us with miraculous, self-healing bodies. These lifestyle changes can mean the difference between life and death.
What are you doing to boost your immune system to fight COVID-19, cancer and other diseases?
For Your Health,