On our recent family beach trip, our 2-year-old granddaughter slept in our room for the week. Upon waking around 6 am each morning, the first words from her mouth were, “Hat.” She loves Mickey and Minnie Mouse. When her mother purchased her a Minnie Mouse ball cap, it became her security blanket/hat. She goes nowhere without it. When she wakes up, it’s the first thing she reaches for to organize her day. God help us if she loses it!
We all have a “security blanket” whether we want to admit it or not. When I was a child, it was my ratty, torn teddy bear. What is it that we must reach for first and can’t make it through the day without? Is it wealth, fame, fortune, or the things of this world?
As I’ve grown older, I replaced my ratty old teddy bear with “The Word of God.” Oh, I traded my teddy bear for a number of worldly things, but learned early in life they did not satisfy. It took a while for me to realize what a great security blanket my Bible can be. It helps me to start and organize my day. And in these COVID-19 days, I’m holding onto it more and more each day.
There’s nothing in this world that can give me the security that is found in God’s Word. It gives me hope that whatever this world dishes out, I can hold onto His promises and His comfort. Beginning my day in this way, keeps my focus on Him and not the circumstances around me. God has given us everything we need in His Word.
My grandaughter is just a toddler. One day she’ll hopefully trade her hat for His Word, but until then, we must not lose that hat. Even toddlers have the ability to experience small truths about God. My granddaughter had her hat on the morning after her new baby brother came home from the hospital. She waited eagerly as her grandfather fixed her breakfast. Before he served her “Eggies,” she bowed her head as he prayed. Before he finished with hands angelically folded, she looked up and interrupted, “Don’t forget my baby brudder.” One sweet moment I’ll never forget.
When His Word is our security, our day will be secure—even during these days of unrest and COVID-19. The security of His Word will also calm our emotional brain and promote healing in our bodies. And one day, we’ll trade this world for a crown and a home in Heaven.
When you were a child, what was your security blanket? As an adult, what is your security blanket?
For your spiritual health,