Madonna was made famous by her song “Material Girl.” It was a Canadian cancer coach who helped me see “that we are living in an estrogen world.” I was shocked when diagnosed with an estrogen-fed cancer. Many times estrogen-fed cancers appear in women who’ve been taking birth control pills or estrogen hormones. Since I was not taking hormonal remedies, I began to search for the estrogens that were invading my body while living in this estrogenic world. They were everywhere!
I discovered there are xenoestrogens, which are synthetic chemical compounds, produced by industry that mimic the effects of true estrogen and interact with cellular receptor sites. These chemicals are also endocrine disruptors, and they lodge in fat cells and work synergistically when combined with other hormone disruptors causing major problems at the cellular level. According to Dr. David Jockers, these xenoestrogens contribute to estrogen dominance and can block the effects of true estrogen.
Xenoestrogens are found in our tap water (through prescription drugs and chemicals in our water supply), plastic water bottles and Styrofoam products, cosmetics, and personal care products, cleaning products, in the lining of canned foods, pesticides and herbicides used in growing of our foods, and in feed used in the raising of our chicken, dairy products and beef.
Of the 1 in 100 men who are diagnosed with breast cancer, 90 percent are estrogen-driven. This statistic gives more evidence that we live in an estrogenic world. Men can get breast cancer even though their bodies only produce a small amount of estrogen. As with the 1 in 8 women diagnosed, 80 percent are estrogen-driven. It’s often not just the natural estrogen causing the cancer, but possibly the presence of xenoestrogens that mimic estrogen. It’s time we wake up.
Both and the American Cancer Society are cautioning that these xenoestrogens as a possible factor in estrogen-driven cancers. But what has convinced me even more is the levels of accumulated pesticides and herbicides found in this girl’s body! There’s nothing like seeing evidence on paper.
I was a Southern gal living in an estrogenic world. I was consuming estrogens through my mouth by eating products with added estrogen, drinking out of plastic bottles, and absorbing these chemical estrogens through my skin unknowingly. And that estrogen dominance had my life hanging in the balance! We all must wake up and take note of the changing world around us. We are all living in an estrogenic world!
Did you know we are living in an estrogen world and must take precautions? What precautions are you taking?
Here’s my YouTube video on this with more detail
I hope you will subscribe to my YouTube channel @ginnybrant
For Your Health,
Click for free download on Tips for Lowering Your Breast Cancer Risk and Smoothie Recipe
Ginny Dent Brant is a speaker and writer who grew up in the halls of power in Washington, DC. She has battled cancer, ministered around the world, and served on the front lines of American culture as a counselor, educator, wellness advocate, and adjunct professor. Brant’s award-winning book, Finding True Freedom: From the White House to the World, was endorsed by Chuck Colson and featured in many TV and media interviews. Unleash Your God-Given Healing: Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer was released in May 2020 after her journey with cancer and was recently awarded the First Place Golden Scrolls Award for Memoirs, and Second Place in both Selah Awards for Memoirs and Director’s Choice Award for Nonfiction at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference. It recently received the Christian Authors Network’s (CAN) Gold Award for Excellence in Marketing for reaching 62.5 million people with a message of cancer prevention and survival. It was written with commentary from an oncologist and was featured on CBN’s Healthy Living Show, Atlanta Live, and CTN’s Homekeepers along with over 75 media outlets. Learn more and cancer and wellness prevention blog and book information at