By Ann Wallace
Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.
Psalm 37:24 NLT
As a Christian, we still deal with a lot of things in life that our non-Christian friends do. The difference is our lives are given to Christ, and we have His word to overcome whatever circumstances we face. Not only can we overcome, but the Lord will be holding our hand through the entire ordeal. What comfort it is to know we are not alone. Even when we receive a cancer diagnosis.
I recently heard, “a setback, is a setup, for a comeback.” Instead of believing that a setback means we are losing ground or not moving forward, we should be asking ourselves the question, “What am I going through right now that is a setup for what is to come?” How can I let go and let God? God says in Psalm 34:19 ESV, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.” If the Lord is going to deliver us, then what should be our focus for our comeback? Keeping our eyes on the Lord and in His word allows us to hear from Him, receive comfort, and be ready when His plan for us unfolds. Continuing to talk about our troubles over and over again keeps our mind on the problem and not the solution, which is Jesus Christ. He is our hope (1Timothy 1:1). He is our refuge in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). He is the answer to every problem. It really is that simple.
The question is, when will we believe it?
My comments:
When in the cancer journey, knowing He is with us is a great comfort. Like gratitude, hope promotes healing in our bodies. Keeping our eyes on Him and His promises allows us to keep our mind focused on “the good things” as the Apostle Paul encouraged us and not our circumstances. May any cancer setback, be a setup, for a comeback.
Whatever your circumstances, are you ready to make a comeback? Can anyone share a comeback story or how your cancer set you up for a greater comeback?
For more stories of hope, Ann has a book called Extraordinary Hope
Ann Wallace, a Bible study teacher, speaker, freelance writer and photographer currently resides in South Carolina. Formerly a staff writer and photographer for “Cool Springs Living” magazine in Nashville, Tennessee, God now has gifted her with Grace Anointed Ministries to touch others with His grace beyond the boundaries of where she lives. She also has traveled and worked for an international ministry, been a women’s ministry director, spoken both domestically and abroad and served in various other capacities in different ministries throughout her lifetime. She is a graduate of both Class and Christian Communicators speaking services. Passionate about Christ, her prayer is to get the word out about how amazing God is and all that He has for you. You may reach Ann at Her book may be purchased at Amazon