Dr. Robert Elliott lived a life dedicated to his faith, his family, and his patients. It was such a privilege to glean wisdom from him by phone or email. I remember the day he asked me this important question, “Ginny, why do you want to write this book?” My response was immediate, “This is the book I never wanted to write, but I’m writing it because I don’t wish for anyone to go down this path. Cancer must be prevented.” That’s all he wanted to hear. Preventing and treating cancer and finding a cure was his dream. Anything he could do to further that dream for others, he would do.
Dr. Elliott wrote the foreword and commentary for most of the chapters in my book. I’d like to share a sample of some of his wisdom given in a few chapters. From the first phone call I had with him, his words were, “It’s all about the mitochondria.” He also told me several times, “Cancer is a metabolic disease,” and “It takes more than surgery, radiation and chemo to beat cancer” (although he was an expert in those areas).
**The following excerpts are from my book “Unleash Your God-Given Healing”
It’s all about the mitochondria in the cell:
Exercise is great for improving your stamina and reducing the side effects from chemotherapy. A regular exercise regimen is also important for maintaining mitochondrial health and improving cellular respiration. Movement upgrades the expression of a transcription co-activator (PGC-1 alpha), which stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and intracellular antioxidants. Exercise also aids in preventing depression and improving sleep.
Dr. Robert L. Elliott
Cancer is a metabolic disease:
Maintaining proper nutrition is extremely important while undergoing cancer treatment. Intake of carbohydrates should be restricted whenever disease is active in the body. Consuming fewer carbohydrates decreases the glycolytic metabolism of cancer cells— the “Warburg Effect”—and promotes chemosensitivity. Cancer is a metabolic disease, and decreasing cancer cell metabolism is important. In addition, I recommend that cancer patients switch to an organic diet.
Dr. Robert L. Elliott
Fighting cancer is more than just surgery, radiation and mixing chemicals:
We desperately need to use both the best of conventional medicine and integrative and holistic therapies in the fight against cancer. Recommendations from well-trained nutritionists and naturopathic doctors can be valuable in the cancer journey. We must never forget that fighting cancer is more than just surgery, radiation and mixing chemicals. Enhancing the immune system to do its God-given job gives a patient more ammunition to fight with.
Dr. Robert L. Elliott
After traveling through the cancer journey, I couldn’t agree with him more. Dr. Elliott was known as a man who encouraged his patients and who prayed with them. He believed that faith also played a role in the cancer journey. So to close, I’d like to share his ideas on the role of faith when fighting a life-threatening disease:
In my experience, patients who have a strong faith and belief in God are better equipped to accept and travel the cancer journey. They tend to experience less stress and sleep better, allowing their immune systems to respond more effectively to therapy. Their willingness to surrender to God allows them to walk the cancer with courage, knowing that adversity leads to spiritual growth. This means that people of faith may avoid some of the anger that many cancer patients experience, thus reducing the immunosuppressive effects of stress on the body.
Dr. Robert L. Elliott
May the foundation he laid in research to find a cure for cancer and ALS patients continue. His foundation called the Sallie Astor Burdine Breast Foundation can be found at https://breastoncology.com/the-foundation/
For Your Health and in Memory of Dr. Robert Elliott,
Ginny Dent Brant is a speaker and writer who grew up in the halls of power in Washington, DC. She has battled cancer, ministered around the world, and served on the front lines of American culture as a counselor, educator, wellness advocate, and adjunct professor. Brant’s award-winning book, Finding True Freedom: From the White House to the World, was endorsed by Chuck Colson and featured in many TV and media interviews. Unleash Your God-Given Healing was released in May 2020 after her journey with cancer and was recently awarded the First Place Golden Scrolls Award for Memoirs and was written with commentary from an oncologist. Learn more and cancer and wellness prevention blog at www.ginnybrant.com.