Aluminum is a neurotoxin and it’s all around us. We use aluminum foil to bake potatoes, grill vegetables, and store and cook food. Aluminum is an ingredient in soda cans, baking powder, antiperspirants, and in some vaccines as an adjuvant. Over the last 50 years, human exposure to aluminum has increased at least 30-fold. Human bodies can handle minimal exposure. The health effects and dangers of aluminum come when our exposure to aluminum is more than our bodies can handle.
The most leaching of aluminum foil into food is when the foil is heated. According to a study published in 2012, “The leaching of aluminum foil when cooking poses health risks. However, minimal exposure is not considered a health risk.”
Aluminum foil used in cooking provides an easy channel for metal to enter our bodies. The higher the heat, the more it can leach. The leaching also depends on the acidity of the food and the salt and spices added. Caution: acids dissolve the metals!
Aluminum is also present in water, cosmetics, toothpaste, sunscreens, processed foods, corn, yellow cheese, salt, herbs, spices, and tea. It’s used in pharmacological agents like antacids and in cooking utensils and cookware. I now look back on my Girl Scout days when I learned to fry an egg on top of an aluminum can using a magnifying glass and cooked a quail dog with bacon and cheese wrapped in aluminum foil in the fire and wonder, “What was I thinking?” I’m just a foil girl at heart. No more!
Unfortunately, it was aluminum that was the first toxic metal found accumulated in my body some 18 years ago. My father had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and I wanted to be preventative. I asked Dr. Connie Ross, an integrative medical doctor, to order some tests. It is known that both aluminum and mercury have been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. And aluminum was found in moderately high levels in my body. After Dr. Ross gave me a supplement to remove it over time, I was amazed at how much more clearly I was able to think. My aluminum levels were back up again after my chemotherapy. Evidentially, it is used as an adjuvant with these cancer-killing chemicals.
The body secretes aluminum through feces and urine, but if it accumulates in the body, it can damage the nervous system including the brain, kidneys, and bones.
A recent study found that aluminum might be responsible for the rise in male infertility.
Further research on internal exposure following specific applications and on the toxicity of aluminum is needed. From a preventative medicine perspective, aluminum exposure should be kept as low as possible. Remember, the dangers come when our exposure is ore than our bodies can handle.
Top Tips for Reducing Aluminum Exposure
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As you learn to read labels on the products you ingest and put on your skin, which products are you finding that contain aluminum?
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Ginny Dent Brant is a speaker and writer who grew up in the halls of power in Washington, DC. She has battled cancer, ministered around the world, and served on the front lines of American culture as a counselor, educator, wellness advocate, and adjunct professor. Brant’s award-winning book, Finding True Freedom: From the White House to the World, was endorsed by Chuck Colson and featured in many TV and media interviews. Unleash Your God-Given Healing: Eight Steps to Prevent and Survive Cancer was released in May 2020 after her journey with cancer and was recently awarded the First Place Golden Scrolls Award for Memoirs, and Second Place in both Selah Awards for Memoirs and Director’s Choice Award for Nonfiction at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference. It recently received the Christian Authors Network’s (CAN) Gold Award for Excellence in Marketing for reaching 62.5 million people with a message of cancer prevention and survival. It was written with commentary from an oncologist and was featured on CBN’s Healthy Living Show, Atlanta Live, and CTN’s Homekeepers along with over 75 media outlets. Learn more and cancer and wellness prevention blog and book information at